PRO’LINK® is a construction technique to build an earth retaining wall against an existing structure or an embankment :

PRO’LINK® allows connecting successively, by means of a flexible and continuous link, the anchors installed in the existing structure (head of nails in a nailed embankment) to the fixing points of the facing structure..

The flexible link adapts easily to the imprecision of the position in x, y, z of the nail heads.

The thickness at the base of the structure can be as small as 0.7 m (limited expropriation).

The new facing can be inclined or vertical; made of steel mesh or concrete elements, even planted.

A non cohesive material is used to backfill the space between the slope and the new facing.

PRO’LINK® was awarded the IVOR label.

The first reference structure was built in BITRY for the Council of Nièvre department – France – 2002.

The application fields cover the recovery of lost land in case of old and weathered slopes or walls, to the widening of existing roads and motorways. It includes covering of nailed slope, eliminating the need for an expensive shotcrete wall; PRO’LINK creates the wall spanning the nails.

The definition of the facing is open; it is made at the customer’s desire.

The link is made of high quality polymers, durable and not prone to degrade in presence of de-icing salts.

Applications and Advantages of PRO’LINK® :

Applications :
– Rehabilitation of slope
– Road widening
– Nailed cut covering

Advantages :
– Low cost
– Limited expropriation
– Wide selection of facings

Principle :